Spaces allocated to DTEEAF:

The Departmen​t holds some specific spaces for its activities:
1. two workshop areas for Visual Education and respective storerooms;
2. a space for Movement and Drama classes with a storeroom and dressing area;
3. a room and three individual and group study rooms with various musical instruments for Music Education; in this area students are provided with a diverse set of tools, materials and a specialised bibliographic centre.
4. aisles 1 and 2, ceded by the Department of Sport and Culture of the Social Action Services (SAS) of the University of Minho to the area of Physical Education, providing various materials in the laboratory for use in class and for research work of master's and doctoral students.

Undergraduate degrees
Master's degrees
Advanced Scientific Internship
Specialised Training
Single Subjects
In-service Training
School Calendar
Academic Examinations
Secretariat of Degrees