The fulfilment of the mission mentioned in the previous article is
guaranteed by the existence of a sustainable, high-quality scientific,
educational and differentiated intervention project, carried out by the
teaching and research unit and served by consistently defined and
appropriately structured subunits, with a focus on the following target
- university training at the highest level through a diverse
educational offer that includes both graduate and post-graduate
training, as well as training not leading to a degree, initial and
in-service training for educators, teachers and other personnel and
training agents, and socio-educational intervention for all levels of
school or non-school education, as well as for all sectors that comprise
areas of education, training and lifelong learning;
- conduct systematic and organised research, within a framework of
international reference, in formal, non-formal and informal education,
including in particular: the values, ideas and educational systems; the
historical, socio-cultural and organisational contexts, as well as
socio-educational practices; the forms, methods, technologies and
communication practices; curriculum and evaluation; learning and human
development; individuals and groups, trainees and trainers, covering a
multitude of educational, training and lifelong learning processes;
- the transfer, exchange and enhancement of the scientific and
educational knowledge through the development of intervention and
cooperation projects at regional, national and international levels
through educational and in-service training programmes and actions
within a more general framework of permanent interaction with society on
a mutual appreciation basis;
- scientific, educational and cultural exchange with institutions
and national and international organisations through the mobility of
students, teachers, researchers and non-teaching staff, the teaching and
research partnerships and other international cooperation actions,
especially with Portuguese speaking countries;
- promote activities that enable the access and enjoyment of
cultural property by all individuals and groups, internal and external
to the Institute and the University.