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PEEP'22 MEETING - Primary English Education in Portugal: a meeting to value and share teacher research Back

Saturday, 5/28/2022    Instituto de Educação da Universidade do Minho
PEEP meetings aim at promoting classroom-based research and teacher research in primary English education in Portugal. They are organised annually (except in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic) by a higher education institution in Portugal that is part of the PEEP network. This year the online event will be hosted by the Institute of Education, Universidade do Minho (Braga, Campus de Gualtar). It will take place on the 28th of May 2022. Online.
Primary English Education in Portugal (PEEP) is an inter-institutional network which has been set up to promote the engagement in and dissemination of investigation in the field of primary English education in Portugal. Its objectives are:​
  • To increase the profile of primary English education in Portugal.
  • To disseminate research and best practices in primary English education in Portugal.
  • To support and promote practitioner-based, classroom research and inquiry.
  • To further opportunities for inter-institutional research activity.

Programme | PEEP'22 Meeting (

Abstract submission: until April 15​

Member of Scientific Committee:
Student (graduate/post-graduate) and Cooperating teacher: 5€ (Early bird); 10€ (after May 15)Attendant: Other: 10€ (Early bird); 20€ (after May 15)

Payment (available soon)
Universidade do Minho.Conferências (