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International Congress of Learning Assessment and Educational Attainment Back

11/17/2017 - 11/18/2017    Campus de Gualtar, Braga
Foto: Diário do Minho
The International Congress of Learning Assessment and Educational Attainment takes place between November 17th and November 18th at the University of Minho, with researchers, academics and professors from various countries. The congress is organised by Maria Assunção Flores, Palmira Alves, Sandra Fernandes, André Machado and by the UMinho’s Research Centre on Child Studies (CIEC). During the event, the book "Avaliação das Aprendizagens e Sucesso Escolar - Perspetivas Internacionais” [“Assessment of Learning and Educational Attainment - International Perspectives”] will be launched.
Foto: Diário do Minho
Foto: Diário do Minho
Foto: Flávio Freitas/Correio do Minho