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26/10/2023 - 28/10/2023    Institute of Education - University of Minho
Teacher Professional Development in Times of Global and Glocal Transformations: International Perspectives and Challenges
26-28 October, 2023
Research Centre on Child Studies University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
The ATEE Winter Conference in 2023 will focus on teacher professional development in times of global and glocal shifts. The conference will offer a platform for the scholars from around the world to present and discuss research on teacher education and teacher professional development considering various social, psychological, and pedagogical challenges.
Current research in teacher education that addresses teacher professionalism, issues associated with migration, peace, diversity, equity, inclusion, interculturality, climate, and digital innovations in education will contribute to the conference goal related to fostering inquiry into the complex challenges encountered in education. The pandemic and post-pandemic concerns in curriculum and instruction worldwide highlight the critical need for international perspectives on teachers’ and teacher educators’ identities and professional development.

Remote teaching, for instance, led to many challenges for teachers around the globe. Teachers worldwide were asked to continue to teach in new scenarios that challenged their usual ways of teaching with implications for their professional learning and development. While these recent crises were associated with difficulties related to conditions for teaching and learning (e.g. equipment and resources, access to internet, technical problems), opportunities to reinvent practices to meet the demands of distance learning also emerged.
Teachers’ digital competences and new ways of communicating and interacting have been prevalent as well as the promotion of further relevant professional development opportunities involving ICT.
This conference aims to provide a space for sharing research and experiences with a particular focus on the challenges and opportunities for professional learning. The conference will offer a forum for the scholarly exploration of international perspectives emerging from latest research and trends in teachers’ professional development worldwide. The conference aims to engage inquiry on pressing matters for teacher professional development at this time and explore the implications of these matters for educating teachers. The proposed theme is “Teacher Professional Development in Times of Global and Glocal Transformations: International Perspectives and Challenges” with sub-themes around ​
  • Perspectives and practices in teacher professional development
  • Teacher learning and teacher professionalism
  • Digitalisation and Teacher Education
  • Interculturality in Teacher Education
  • Innovative research in Teaching and Teacher Education
  • Internationalisation and international mobility in Teacher Education
  • Migration, diversity, inclusion and Teacher Professional Development
The focus areas of the conference will include inquiries on the threats but also the possibilities for teacher professional development in the digital era with implications for teacher professionalism. Sub-themes will facilitate the conference participants to further explore other pertinent topics.

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University of Minho
Campus de Gualtar
4710-057 Braga

41°33 '33.8'' N - 8°23'54.3'' W